Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Using Google Apps to Manage Your Student Work: Infinite Campus Ad Hoc Reporting, gClassFolders, Doctopus, and Goobric

We haven't posted in a while because we've been busy! One of the things we've been busy doing is helping teachers with 1:1 dilemmas. Below is one example.

How do teachers manage the plethora of files shared with them in Google Drive? The directions below will show you how to do the following:

  • Extract student information (first name, last name, school email, class name, and period) to a spreadsheet using Infinite Campus Ad Hoc reporting
  • Create a Google Drive assignment folder automatically for each student in your classes (gClassFolders)
  • Send documents in Google Drive directly to each student's individual Google Drive folder automatically (Doctopus)
  • Grade student work right in Google Drive using an actual rubric (Goobric)
You can find more information about these processes at http://youpd.org and on Google+ in the gClassFolders community.